This video shows a simple translation using Heraxtranslator.
What is Heraxtranslator?
HeraxTranslator is an advanced solution designed specifically for companies in the food industry that need to translate ingredient lists. Using the latest technology in artificial intelligence, it can generate translations in just a few minutes.
How does it work?
Heraxtranslator uses a database of more than 10000 words in English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish. These words come from EU and national food regulations to ensure that the tool uses the correct legal designations for the ingredient lists. If a specific word is not found in the database, the AI technology will translate the missing word. Words generated from the AI technology have not been verified and need to be checked by the user. These words are marked with red.
HeraxTranslator can make mistakes because spelling mistakes may occur in the database and the AI translated words have not been verified. Please double check the translations before using them. Herax Food can help to verify the translated ingredient lists.